Ransomware Attacks through September 2019

As of the end of September 2019 there have been 621 entities that have seen Ransomware attacks.  Entities that have been affected by these attacks include: hospitals, health care centers, school districts and cities.(1)

According to a recent Coveware analysis,  ransomware causes on average nearly 10 days of downtime, and organizations can lose about 8 percent of data. (2)

In order to help our customers recover from such an attack we MyRemoteSupportTech.com now sales and supports Macrium Reflect Backup software.   Using “Macrium Image Guardian” technology Macrium Reflect can prevent Ransomware from encrypting critical backup files.  With Log monitoring warnings of potentially malicious attacks can be flagged and brought to a technicians attention in a timely manner.

If your interested in protecting your business data contact MyRemoteSupportTech.com today in order to arrange a on-site evaluation. 

Additional Sources/Resources:

(1) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ransomware-attack-621-hospitals-cities-and-schools-hit-so-far-in-2019/

(2) https://healthitsecurity.com/news/fbi-alerts-to-rise-in-ransomware-attacks-urges-victims-not-to-pay